Names are important. An obvious fact.
Just think of a name and an instant preconception springs to
mind. If the name doesn’t fit the character it’s difficult if not impossible to
get/keep things moving on the written page. Names can reflect our personalities, our
background or ethnicity or faith. Think
about it. Kathryn can be very professional, Katie very friendly and bouncy and Kate more
neutral. Then there’s Elizabeth who can be,
of course, Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, Beth or even Betty or Bet.
Last names are equally important. Smith or Goldblum. Varella
or Capra. Singleton or Brown. Well, you get it. A name can inspire not only
your reader, seeing your ‘hero’ as a
dynamic, well, hero, as opposed to a mumbling, introverted nerd, it can also
inspire you, the writer.
So what to do?
Well, there are a lot of resources available to us. Just ask
any expectant parent. There are still
all those books for baby naming. The web has a lot to offer (some resources
below), phone books, friends you can bedevil for suggestions, movie credits you
can read (you can even pause your DVD if you like so you can read), other books
where you can pluck a first name from one and last name from another. And don’t
forget you can compile lists of your own when you run across a name that seems
great out of context. You might well have the opportunity to put it IN context
with your next writing project.
You can try writing about a character with a ‘place holder’
name if you can’t come up with the right one when you’re first writing, but I’ll
bet that will niggle at you like an annoying paper cut until you can fill in
that blank. It just seems like the character can’t get it right until he or she
has the right name bestowed upon him or
her. And that translates into your
writing being unbalanced, not right, until you can grab that name.
Is there a secret formula? A magic way to pluck the name you
need out of the vapors and spur your writing to new heights? Nope, but there
are a few loose guidelines that can help. Things I keep in mind.
*Don’t use several names that begin with the same
letter. In fact try not to use two names
that begin with the same letter in the same novel. Fact of the matter is after the first
introduction of the character most readers don’t actually read the name, but
rather identify the character by the first letter and the shape of his name as they
skim down the page. Best not to risk
confusing your reader.
* Pick names that are realistic and don’t get carried away
with naming after you’ve been searching for a long time and feel a bit
desperate. Especially don’t fill your
story with bizarre and complicated names the reader will need a score card to
figure out.
*Think about history and geography when naming your characters.
Yes, they have a bearing. Germanic names
are different than Scots. English different than Spanish. Keep it in mind.
*Watch out for gender neutral names. Lee, Drew, Lynn, Francis (Frances), Tracy,
Kelly, Jean, etc. If you use one, be
sure to immediately let your reader know if the character is man, woman, boy,
girl. Don’t let it hang out there for them to figure out.
*And don’t be afraid
to change a name if you discover as you write that it just isn’t working. That’s
what global replace is for. But keep in
mind that a change of name may well signal a change in character and could
instigate the need for rewrite in areas prior to the change.
If, when looking over the material you’ve written, a name
change necessity arises, don’t fight it. A character with the wrong name can
throw quite the ‘monkey wrench’ into a story no matter how well written to that point. Seriously, think about it.
Here are a few resources to help you along:
Social Security’s Popular Baby Names
- what’s popular this year - and other years?
The Greatest Baby Name Book Ever by Carol McD. Wallace
The Writer’s Digest Character Naming Sourcebook by Sherrilyn
Kenyon -Organizes
names alphabetically, by origin, and by popularity according to year.
Want the history and etymology of first names? Behind The Name allows
searches by meaning and includes a generator.
Going to follow in Tolkien’s footsteps? Try The Elvish Name Generator
The Baby Name Wizard
Unique baby names
Fantasy Name Generator—Set the specifications to your needs
and generate lots of name possibles.
Now you’re all set – but don’t forget those newspapers,
magazines, phone books (in any city you live or visit) and of course Google for
even more possibilities.
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