
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ah, The Writer's Life

Every once in a while I like to just ramble and muse about how writing is the pivotal point of my life and how it affects pretty much everything.  There are many things I write about individually, extrapolating and using one thing or another in an attempt to provide guidance to other writers or just give some of my writer friends a smile.

Today is one of those rambling days. Yep, I’m busy working on Planet Of The Eggs comic series and it’s coming along very well, thanks.

Even have a Facebook fan page  – go on over and like it. Keep abreast of what’s happening in Egg world. And don’t forget to tell us which egg is your favorite (we have warriors, scientist, librarian, water hound and medic) and where you might like to see our eggs travel next.

The goal is to put out one adventure per month in this fun comic series. So, here’s the rambling part. If I worked a regular job I’d probably have some time off when I want to take a bit of a break as I’m planning on in September when my husband and I are going to celebrate our anniversary with a few days away. But I don’t have that job. I’m a writer. That being the case I have to plan differently. Yep, I’m working harder and faster now to gain some ground so I don’t fall too behind while I’m off having fun. No paid leave for me. And no matter how I work it or plan it, I know when I get back I’ll feel overwhelmed and like I’ve fallen behind, which I will no doubt have done.

But you know what, none of that matters because I love what I do and sadly, there are many who don’t even like what they do.

But that’s not all. In my musings I give thought to those projects which I’ve put on hold while I work on Planet Of The Eggs. And yes, I’ll get back to them, and yes, fortunately since they’re already on hold they don’t add any pressure to my already slightly overloaded schedule. And that’s another thing. 

The schedule, because I’m a writer and work for myself, is my own. I set it. Mostly (unless there’s a publishing deadline set by another) I set my own deadlines. But I’m a very stern task-master. So those projects I’ve consciously put on hold are still at the back of my mind while I work to meet current deadlines I've set.

One is a paranormal romance beneath the sea that’s about three-quarters done and needs to be finished. I’ll have to re-read the whole thing before resuming work on that one. Then there’s the screen script I’ve barely begun to adapt to novel format. I want it to exist both ways. Probably be a Kindle release when I get that done. There are a few others, but I’ll leave it at that for now.

What it all boils down to is to be a writer one needs discipline, schedule and the occasional break. Yep, there’s another one planned in December. And do I take weekends like a regular person wo works a regular job? Yes, mostly I do. I have a husband and he kind of likes to spend time with me as I do with him. Schedule, remember? He’s very understanding if I do have a deadline and need to work just as I’d understand if he had to put in some overtime. But mostly, I admit, my life is fairly structured. 

For professional writers I highly recommend it. Yes, there is that myth that writers work when the muse strikes. Not true for the writers I know. They ‘go t work’ each day. They may have the freedom to schedule their hours differently than some, but they do schedule.

Think about it.

And while you do I think I’ll just go off and muse on what I need to get done a bit more. Organization. What comes next.

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